
A great high-risk hospital birth in Texas

years old at the time


A great high-risk hospital birth in Texas

years old at the time

I always wanted a second child. My daughter who was 8 at the time kept asking me for a brother or a sister. My fiancé also wanted another child; he had two from a previous relationship. I also had one from a previous relationship. As much as I wanted another child, I was also very scared to be pregnant. You see, I knew my pregnancy wouldn’t be an easy one. I knew I would be high-risk, the reason being, I have lupus. Finally, we decided to go for it. I was pretty well taken care of throughout the course of my pregnancy although as you can imagine, being high risk, they were so so so so so many doctors appointments.

They told me because of my high-risk status that I will need to be induced at 38 weeks. I’ve been to an induction before with my first therefore, I knew what to expect. I was OK with the fact that I needed to be induced. My first labor and delivery, nine years ago, did NOT happen the way I thought labor and delivery should go (but that’s a WHOLE other story!)

"In addition to me being high -risk, my anxiety was at an all-time high.''

When it was 38 weeks, and I had to go to the hospital, The hospital staff treated me so well. The room that I labored in was huge and allowed as many visitors as possible to come in and out as they pleased. I’m not gonna lie, I was a little nervous after reading so many stories about the maternal death rate. In addition to me being high risk, my anxiety was at an all-time high.

The staff at the hospital, along with my fiancé made me feel safe and secure while I labored. I was allowed to labor as naturally as possible, even though I was induced. The medical staff didn’t overly check my cervix, they just let nature and the medication take its course.

"Since I was allowed to labor naturally , when the time came to push, it was very quick.''

My daughter, who had just turned nine at the time, was able to be in the room the whole time I labored as well as during the delivery. In addition, my fiancé and my mother were there as well. Since I was allowed to labor as naturally as possible, when the time came to push, it was very quick. I only had to push maybe three times (15 minutes) before my son was in my arms. This was NOT the case for my first birth!

My advice for future moms is do your research! Read up on your ob/midwife. Read up on the hospital or hospitals they are affiliated with so that you can make an informed decision.