A refreshing hospital birth in California
A refreshing hospital birth in California

Two months after my husband, my 9 year old daughter and I moved across the country to California - we found out that we had a bundle of joy on the way! For many reasons I was nervous - we were in a new state with no family or network. In addition, I was anxious about how my new employer was going to view this pregnancy announcement.
For many reasons I was overjoyed - this was a new refreshing beginning since the last time I’d given birth before this- I was 19, in college, and working multiple jobs.
The school I taught at, focused on healthy eating and did not allow students nor educators to bring any junk food on campus. Therefore, I was able to eat a healthy lunch for free everyday and they offered fresh fruits and vegetables from the garden. I traveled back to Brooklyn to my family and my in-laws to share the news with them.
"I ate well, went for walks and swam."
The following trimesters went by quickly. I ate well, went for walks and swims. We had a virtual gender reveal party. All of our east coast families voted on an online survey I created, then we cut the cake to reveal the gender. “IT’S A BOY!” We all jumped and shouted.
On April 13th at 1 a.m. I began to feel contractions. I woke my husband up and we headed to the hospital. We arrived at approx. 2 a.m. When we arrived they immediately rushed me to the labor and delivery area. The nurse checked my cervix and determined that I was 6 cm dilated. She directed me to a room where my daughter was allowed to stay with us. Looking back, this was such a bonding time for our family and it played a role in my birth experience being so positive.
I've decided to have a natural birth because I was frightened of the side effects of epidurals and drug injections. Chronic back pain months after labor were some of the horror stories I've heard, so I steered completely away from this for both of my births. I took deep breaths to cope with the contractions and my husband rubbed my back. The pain intensified but I kept laboring with the support of my husband. When the nurse came back in and checked me, she said it was time for me to start pushing.
She called the doctor and everything seemed to go by so fast from there. My baby boy, Neziah was born at 6:20 a.m. at 8 pounds and 21 inches. I put him on my breast to start nursing immediately. He was so calm and relaxed. After 24 hours we were able to go home. We call him our Cali baby.
"Taking daily walks, drinking water and eating nutritious foods had a big role in my overall experience."
This pregnancy and birth went so well and I truly believe it is because I adopted healthy habits throughout. Taking daily walks, drinking water and eating nutritious foods had a big role in my overall experience. Reading books about not only pregnancy but also the postpartum period as well as joining online or in-person mommy groups is what I suggest for mothers to be.